
Friday, August 12, 2011

Love Rests.

This morning I awoke to love.

I woke rested, filled; the sky still and quiet and dark. As I turned to read the numbers on the clock, they stared back blank. Nothing. Unplugged from its power source.  My heart sank. Did I miss it? I had a promise made with my Jesus to get up and have alone time with Him in this cool, dark space of time. Pulling back the sleep from my eyes as I pulled back the silver blankets, I shuffled into the next room. My heart fluttered just a little with the excitement of it. 5:03 am. He wanted to meet me too. He woke me. He who gave me rest. The God who created the galaxy with the flick of His fingertips wanted to meet with me too. He gave me rest so that I could wake for this moment in time.

How many times do I not take your good gifts, Lord?
How many times do I hunger, and not receive your food?
How many times does my plate grow cold?
I live weary, and I refuse the rest you offer. I walk blindly past that which I need the most. I tell You I am too busy working, while I face spiritual starvation. My body cannot live on the memory of past meals, yet I expect my soul to live with merely head knowledge of the Lord.

You offer  rest in and out of sleep, because we need both.  Too often I’ve robbed myself of Your gift, ignored Your blessing.

I tuck my children in their beds at night with relief: mommy’s about to get a little break, and they need it after all, they’re growing. Does my growing spirit need rest too?  Do I rest my babies in the knowledge that sleep, rest, is God’s great gift?  Their sleeping and their waking is by His choice, by His gift—one given in love.

Sleep, like Manna, I can glutton too much of.  Like Manna, You will always give me what I need. You will never force feed me.

I trembled at the consequence in Deuteronomy 28:65 “And among those nations you shall find no rest, nor shall the sole of your foot have a resting place; but there the LORD will give you a trembling heart, failing eyes, and anguish of soul.”

Are you tired of dragging your weary feet yet?” I can almost hear You ask.

Lord I’ve felt that trembling heart, failing eyes, felt anguish in my soul. Felt it every time I walk on my own two feet, feet that carry me from You.  Life on earth is too hard for me to tread alone. I’ve learned that the hard way over and over. So God rests me, rests us for the task He has for us, (or at least He desires to,) just like He gave the Israelites rest before they warred with their enemies. He knows what we need most.

 Rest for body and soul. I am called to Love Him with all of my heart, soul, and mind. Doesn’t it follow that God will bless my heart, soul, and mind with rest too?

Lord, help me to rest in You. Rest in Your love, rely on Your strength. Let me lay down my burdens and take up your light yoke. Let me live with my eyes wide open to see You in each moment, and Rest with my eyes closed tightly in sleep, the wonderful rest and care that You lovingly bestow. You are a giver of good gifts. Thank you for always going above and beyond my wildest dreams.  

Rest—Restoration for my earthly body and spiritual soul.

Psalm 4:8
I will both lie down in peace, and sleep;
For You alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.

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