
Friday, October 7, 2011

A GPS-Finding-the-Way-to-My-Heart Romance

I’m packing, loading for a trip. I, myself and me, planning on taking four children on a near 2,000 mile trek, alone. I wonder as I fold up tiny items of clothing into four open mouthed suitcases: Blue’s Clues, Disney princess, why I am leaving my earthly protector? It is said that absence makes the heart grow fonder, but I’m already feeling fond. And he takes me aside, he has a gift— he places a new pink and black purse fitted over a gps in my hands. I guess he wanted to be sure I could find my way home. This was probably the best gift a girl like me could be given, a girl who knows nothing more then up and down. My last gps, my sadly broken gps, he had felt was inadequate. I need a gps for dummies with commands like, “Your other right.” “Turn left after the light turns green,” and “Turn here- right here, you’re passing your exit!” I felt very loved. It was a good gift. I feel, in a way, that his protection is coming with me on my journey. His heart was to make sure his family would be safe.

God is a good gift giver. He has more than the “five love languages.” His love is tangible. Tangible is concrete—undeniable. Matthew 7:7 “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. 8For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened. 9Or which one of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? 10Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? 11If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!

Ask for strength, and He gives me wings as eagles. Ask for salvation and He gives me His son. Ask for forgiveness and He gives me paradise. He gives good gifts. His gifts come from a heart of love. 

My day 21 of romance has come and gone. While, day 14 was an amazing surprise weekend getaway, day “21” has shown itself in unexpected ways. Yesterday, day 21 was a pillar-of-light-device for me to follow through the wilderness. Yesterday, love was tangible, a good gift. Behind any meaningful gift are well planned thoughts. Giving well requires study. I must seek to know the receiver’s heart, know their likes, dislikes—know their passions. And the intimacy of knowing and being known is romance.

When my new husband was deployed to Japan, he sent me a box of gifts. One of these “treasures” (note sarcasm,  : ) was a stuffed frog. No, not a cute little stuffed animal, but a real frog which had been skinned and lined, and been sewed to a purse handle. Thankfully our dog chewed it up a few weeks later, because frog skinned purses aren’t, nor ever will be, on the cutting edge of fashion, or on my wish list. (The freshwater pearls also included were however.)   

My Jesus knows me. He knows me so well that He emboldens verses in my readings that press deeply into my heart. Daily He reveals His beauty in the created world to me. My Jesus sees me—His gaze knows me so well. Ivy says to us from her buckled seat, “Don’t you think it’s scary that God can see us all the time?”
                We are quiet. Melanie answers, “Wouldn’t it be scarier if He didn’t?”
                My Jesus doesn’t miss a thing, He is intimately involved in my life.

                My longing lies in being known truly. A gift isn’t about expense, show, or occasion. It can be a handmade card penned with kindness. Romance is demonstrated in careful choosing, a gift that proves knowing well, and loving truly. Our I AM knows us better than we know ourselves. He has given the greatest gift of all. How can a Creator not know His handiwork, down to the last detail? He tells me I am worth knowing. Aren’t all of His creations worth knowing, worth loving? For they are our gifts from Him too.

James 1:17
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.

                Lord, may I know you intimately through Your word. May it be a two way conversation, and may I listen with both ears. May I seek to give to You what You desire. May I seek out what pleases You. May I demonstrate Your love to others through eyes that see ways to bless, ears that hear and meet needs, and a heart to know and love. I couldn’t ask for a better Father. I couldn’t ask for a better gift than what You’ve given. 

My love sonnet from Him today are the ones He has given me to love.

Care to see where we've been on this 21 Days of Romance? (Seeking out romance in His word) You might like to see: 

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